Getting started

Setup development environment, and write your first application with MXFramework.

Setup Development Environment


The latest build of MXFramework is hosted on GitHub. Click on the following link to download the latest source code from GitHub.

What's included

Once downloaded, unzip the file to a new folder named mx, within which you'll find the following directories and files. These include all you need for MXFramework.

├── app
│   └── Application.js
├── res
│   ├── images
│   │   └── mx-logo-32.png
│   └── locales
│       ├── en
│       │   └── language.js
│       └── zh-cn
│           └── language.js
├── scn
│   └── Scene.js
├── util
│   └── ObjectPool.js
├── view
│   └── View.js
├── debug.js
├── framework-base.js
├── framework-core.js
├── javascript-extensions.js
├── MXComponent.js
├── MXEvent.js
├── MXObject.js


MXFramework only requires jQuery library at the run time. It is recommended to use jQuery 1.10 or later version.

Eclipse Plugins

Although you can complete the following setup steps all by your hands, it is still the best way to start your MXFramework journey by installing the MXFramework Plugins for Eclipse.


  1. Start your Eclipse, choose Help > Install New Software in the menu bar.
  2. Click Add, in the top-right corner.
  3. In the Add Repository dialog that appears, enter MXFramework Plugin for the Name and the following URL for the Location:
  4. Click OK.
  5. In the Available Software dialog, select the checkbox next to MagicCube MXFramework Plugins and click Next.
  6. Click Next, and complete the following installation.
  7. After the installation completes, restart Eclipse.


For the convenience of the beginner, in the following sections we'll only discuss how to setup your environment by using the plugins.

Basic concepts

Before writing code, there are some basic concepts about MXFramework you should learn first.

Project with MXFramework

The same concept as a Eclipse project, and usually it's a Web Project.

Modules in MXFramework

You can define several modules in an MX project. The module name is recommended to be short and in lower-case like "sys", "fs" or "g3d". Every module has its own folder which has the same name as the module. For example, the codes of module MODULE_NAME should be put into the folder scripts/MODULE_NAME, and all its resources like CSSs, images and localization files should be stored under the scripts/MODULE_NAME/res folder.

A common folder structure is look like this

├── mx
│   ├── res
│   │   └── locales
│   │       ├── en
│   │       │   └── language.js
│   │       └── zh-cn
│   │           └── language.js
│   ├── debug.js
│   ├── framework-base.js
│   ├── framework-core.js
│   └── ...
├── mod1
│   ├── res
│   │   ├── images
│   │   ├── locales
│   │   │   ├── en
│   │   │   │   └── language.js
│   │   │   └── zh-cn
│   │   │       └── language.js
│   │   └── AClassView.css
│   │   └── BClassView.css
│   ├── logic
│   │   ├── XClass.js
│   │   └── YClass.js
│   └── view
│       ├── AClassView.js
│       └── BClassView.js
├── mod2
│   ├── res
│   │   ├── images
│   │   └── CClassView.css
│   │   └── DClassView.css
│   └── view
│       ├── CClassView.js
│       └── DClassView.js
└── ...

Unlike the AMD(Asynchronous Module Definition) and many other modularized frameworks, there's no explicit definition for the module dependencies in MXFramework. Both static and dynamic module loading are handled by the framework. When you import a class from "A module" for the first time, the framework will automatically asynchronously or synchronously load the module before you go.

Concerning the performance and efficiency, in the production mode, after running a building process using MXBuild, all the JavaScript codes inside the module will be compiled into one file named min.js under the scripts/MODULE_NAME folder, while CSS will be compressed into a min.css file under scripts/MODULE_NAME/res.

The folder structure in production mode should look like this

├── mx
│   ├── res
│   │   └── locales
│   │       ├── en
│   │       │   └── language.js
│   │       └── zh-cn
│   │           └── language.js
│   └── min.js
├── mod1
│   ├── res
│   │   ├── images
│   │   ├── locales
│   │   │   ├── en
│   │   │   │   └── language.js
│   │   │   └── zh-cn
│   │   │       └── language.js
│   │   └── min.css
│   └── min.js
├── mod2
│   ├── res
│   │   ├── images
│   │   └── min.css
│   └── min.js
└── ...

By default, there's always a framework-level module named mx stored in scripts/mx.

Please read Object Oriented Programming Guide for further information.

Applications in MXFramework

There could be several applications inside one module. Basically you could regard the applications as the traditional web pages. Every application class should inherit from which has a run(options) function. After initialization, you call the run function directly to start the application with specific options.

Views in MXFramewrok

A View in MXFramework represents a UI component which can display informations and interact with the users. View often comes with a JavaScript and a CSS file, both of the file share the same name but different extensions. Usually a View is related to a HTML element, and View has a $container field which is pointed to a jQuery object of the HTML element. Every View class should inherit from mx.view.View.

Views can also be nested, which means a View can have some sub views (their parent is called parentView), and the class itself inherits from mx.view.View as well.

Please read UI Programming Guide for further information.

Write your first MX application

In the next couple of minutes, we are going to make a simple application which display the current time in the following way.

Create a web project

  1. In Eclipse, launch the New Project Wizard through File > Project....
  2. Select Web > Static Web Project and click Next.
  3. Name the project as you like then click Finish.
  4. Now you create an empty standard web project with the root content path named WebContent, in which you can store your publishable resources.
  5. If you have a local web server like IIS or Apache, you may point the root web path to the WebContent folder for local testing.


In practice, you can create any type of web project instead, or even use MXFramework in a non-web project.

Enable MXFramework

  1. Create a new folder named scripts under WebContent. This is where you store your JavaScript, CSS and other related resources including MXFramework itself.
  2. Right click on the project and click Properties to open the project properties dialog.
  3. In the left side navigation list, choose MXFramework.
  4. Select the checkbox next to Enable MXFramework and Builder.
  5. Click Browser button.
  6. Select the scripts folder we've just created and click OK.
  7. Confirm when you see the upcomming two dialogs to automatically install jQuery 2.0 and the latest version of MXFramework from Internet.
  8. Click OK to close the project properties dialog.
  9. Once finished, your project will look like this MXFramework is now installed in the scripts/mx folder which also called the "mx" module, while jQuery is under scripts/lib where you can also put frameworks or libraries from other third parties.


ou can also build the MXFramework project manually, please strickly follow the script folder structure like what you see here.

Alternatively, you can use other name for the script folder, and basically the folder could be put in anywhere as you like. But remember to change the Script path in the project properties dialog accordingly.

Create a view

Now you're going to write your first class based MXFramework.

  1. Right click on the project, and select MXFramework > New MX View in the pop-up menu.
  2. In the wizard, fill in the Namespace field with my.first.view and Class name with DateTimeView, then click Finish. There will be two files generated
    • WebContent/scripts/my/first/view/DateTimeView.js - Where to put your logical code of view.
    • WebContent/scripts/my/res/DateTimeView.css - Where you can embellish your view.
  3. Open the DateTimeView.js, override with the following code.
// Define the namespace

// Import the stylesheet

// Define the class
my.first.view.DateTimeView = function()
    var me = $extend(mx.view.View);
    // Public fields from super class
    me.elementClass = "DateTimeView";
    me.frame = { width: 210 };
    var base = {};

    // Public fields
    me.displaySeconds = false;

    // Private fields
    var _$timeLabel = null;
    var _$secondLabel = null;
    var _$dateLabel = null;
    var _$dayLabel = null;

    // Override method from super class
    base.init = me.init;
    me.init = function(p_options)

    // Private initializations.
    function _initLabels()
        _$timeLabel = $("<span id=time>");

        if (me.displaySeconds)
            _$secondLabel = $("<span id=second>");

        _$dateLabel = $("<span id=date>");

        _$dayLabel = $("<span id=day>");

    // Public methods
    me.update = function()
        var now = new Date();
        _$timeLabel.text($format(now, "HH:mm"));
        if (me.displaySeconds)
            _$secondLabel.text($format(now, ":ss"));
        _$dateLabel.text($format(now, "yyyy-M-d"));
        _$dayLabel.text(['SUN', 'MON', 'TUE', 'WED', 'THU', 'FRI', 'SAT'][now.getDay()]);
        // Change the CSS class to 'dark' during night.
        me.$container.toggleClass("dark", now.getHours() <= 6 && now.getHours() >= 18);

    return me.endOfClass(arguments);
my.first.view.DateTimeView.className = "my.first.view.DateTimeView";

Please also modify the DateTimeView.css.

    position: relative;
    display: block;
    background: #efefef;

.DateTimeView > #time
    font-size: 32px;

.DateTimeView > #second
    font-size: 22px;

.DateTimeView > #date
    position: absolute;
    bottom: 5px;
    right: 5px;

.DateTimeView > #day
    position: absolute;
    top: 5px;
    right: 5px;

    background: #444;

.DateTimeView.dark > span
    color: white;


You can also open the New MX View dialog by selecting File > New > Other... and choose MagicCube MXFramework > New MX View.

Create an application

Now we need a runnable application to contain and display the DateTimeView.

  1. Right click on the project again, and select MXFramework > New MX Application in the pop-up menu.
  2. In the New MXApp Class dialog, type 'my.first' for the Namespace and App for the Class name.
  3. Click Finish button. You're going to have 3 new files.
    • WebContent/scripts/my/first/App.js
    • WebContent/scripts/my/res/App.css
    • WebContent/App-debug.html
  4. Change the App.js to the following code.

// Import the DateTimeView class.


my.first.App = function()
    var me = $extend(;
    me.appId = "my.first.App";
    me.appDisplayName = "New MX Application";
    var base = {};

    var _dateTimeView = null;

    base.init = me.init;
    me.init = function(p_options)


    function _initDateTimeView()
        // Create a DateTimeView with initial options.
        _dateTimeView = new my.first.view.DateTimeView({
            id: "dateTime",
            displaySeconds: true
        // Add the _dateTimeView to application.
    } =; = function(args)
        // Invoke the 'update' method every seconds.
        }, 1000);

    return me.endOfClass(arguments);
my.first.App.className = "my.first.App";

Run in debug mode

Dive deeper

Compile and build

Run in production mode

What's next

I bet you already know some basic concept in MXFramework and how to setup the development environment. Now you may jump to the Documents page to find out more interesting contents.

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